West Bengal Staff Selection Commission invites applications from eligible candidates for.Combined Technical Level Recruitment 2015 for the posts of Architectural Assistant, Medical Technologist, Pharmacist, Instructor, Ward Master, and Laboratory Technician under various Departments.
★★Most Important Date: Last Date for Online Submission of Application: 08-June-2015
★★Name of the Positions along with Number of Vacancies Advertised:
★Architectural Assistant in Public Works Department: 29 Posts
★Medical Technologist (Laboratory) Grade III in Directorate of ESI (MB) Scheme, Labour Department: 12 Posts
★Pharmacist Grade III in Directorate of ESI (MB) Scheme, Labour Department: 35 Posts
★Instructor (Fitter) in Directorate of Technical Education And Training: 08 Posts
★Instructor (Electrician) in Directorate of Technical Education And Training: 07 Posts
★Store-Keeper (Technical) in Directorate of Technical Education And Training: 02 Posts
★Ward Master Grade III in Directorate of ESI (MB) Scheme, Labour Department: 10 Posts
★Laboratory Technician in Directorate of Animal Resources & Animal Health: 03 Posts
★★Educational Qualification Criteria:
★Architectural Assistant: Candidates must have completed Diploma in Architecture from a recognized institute or equivalent qualification according to West Bengal State Council of Technical Education.
★Medical Technologist (Laboratory): Candidates must have Passed Higher Secondary Examination of the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Biology; and Diploma/ Post Graduate Diploma Course in Laboratory Technology.
★Pharmacist: Candidates must have Passed Higher Secondary Examination of the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/ Biology; and a two year Diploma Course in Pharmacy recognized by the Government of West Bengal and registered as ‘A’ category Pharmacist under West Bengal Pharmacy Council.
★Instructor (Fitter)/ Instructor (Electrician): Candidates must have passed Madhyamik Examination of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent; and Diploma in Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering recognized by the State Council for Technical Education, West Bengal or its equivalent with a minimum of 3 years Post-Diploma experience in the related field in a reputed Industry, OR National Trade Certificate in the concerned trade as a regular trainee with not less than 5 years Post-qualification experience, OR National Apprenticeship Certificate in the concerned trade with not less than 4 years Post qualification experience, OR National Trade Certificate in Broad based Basic Training and Advanced Module in Fabrication Fitting & Welding Sector/ Electrical Sector with 5 years Post-advance Module experience.
★Store-Keeper (Technical): Candidates must have passed Madhyamik Examination of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent; and have Diploma in Electrical/ Mechanical Engineering recognized by the State Council for Technical Education, West Bengal or its equivalent, with minimum three years working experience.
★Ward Master: Candidates must be Graduate from recognized University or its equivalent.
★Laboratory Technician: Candidates must have passed Madhyamik Examination of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent; and must have a certificate of Technician from a recognized institute.
★★Upper Age Limit as on 01-01-2015:
★Architectural Assistant, Pharmacist Grade III, Medical Technologist (Laboratory) Grade III: 32 years
★Ward Master Grade III, Laboratory Technician, Instructor (Fitter), Instructor (Electrician), Store Keeper (Technical): 37 years
Relaxation in upper age limit will be applicable as per rules.
★★Pay Scale :-
★Architectural Assistant: Rs. 7,100-37,600/- Grade Pay Rs. 4,100/
Medical Technologist (Laboratory),
Medical Technologist (Laboratory),
★Pharmacist: Rs. 7,100-37,600/- Grade Pay Rs. 3,600/-
★Instructor (Fitter), Instructor (Electrician): Rs. 7,100-37,600/- Grade Pay Rs. 3,900/-
★Store-Keeper (Technical): Rs. 7,100-37,600/- Grade Pay Rs.4,100/
★Ward Master, Laboratory Technician : Rs. 5,400-25,200/- Grade Pay Rs. 2,600/-
★Application & Processing Fee:
For SC/ ST/ PWD candidates: Rs. 20/- as Processing Fees [Exempted from paying Examination fees] For All other categories candidates: Rs. 200/- as Application Fee, and Rs. 20/- as Processing Fees
No exemption of fees is available to the SC / ST / BC-A / BC-B candidates of other states.
For SC/ ST/ PWD candidates: Rs. 20/- as Processing Fees [Exempted from paying Examination fees] For All other categories candidates: Rs. 200/- as Application Fee, and Rs. 20/- as Processing Fees
No exemption of fees is available to the SC / ST / BC-A / BC-B candidates of other states.
Candidates can make the payment using Debit Cards / Credits Cards / Net banking of any bank. An amount of Rs. 5/- only will be charged by the concerned agency as “Service Charge” for availing Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking facility OR can submit at the Tathya Mitra Kendras (Service Charge Rs. 20/- will be applicable in this case).
★★Selection Process: Selection process will be based on written examination, and personality Test.
★How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply online only through the Commission’s website, www.wbssc.gov.in OR Candidates can submit application through about 1800 Tathya Mitra Kendras set up by the Government of West Bengal up to the level of Gram Panchayats in the rural areas of West Bengal.
Candidates are suggested to have auto generated receipt with Registration Number, that would be generated after successful submission of online application.
★The West Bengal Staff Selection Commission shall have the discretion to prescribe the scheme and syllabus for this recruitment.
★The West Bengal Staff Selection Commission shall have the discretion to fix qualifying marks for the written examination and in the aggregate of the marks at the written examination and the personality Test.
★ Detailed scheme of recruitment will be decided by the Commission depending on the number of applications received for each post and the same will be published in Commission’s website in the month of June, 2015.
★★For more detail on this recruitment please refer to official recruitment advertisement from West Bengal Staff Selection Commission here, WBSSC Combined Technical Level Recruitment 2015→www.employmentnews.indialist.org/…/WBSSC-Combined-Technical…
★★Apply online → wbsscregistration.nic.in/online2/